
Opened in February 2012, The Ashfordian Library is a vibrant and well used resource, situated at the heart of the school in the Brabourne building. The library and its resources are available for all students and staff who wish to use them.

The main aims of the library are:

  • To encourage reading and an interest in books and literature
  • To introduce students to the skills they need to access information in the library and elsewhere
  • To provide a silent study space for 6th formers and staff during study periods, and a quiet place for reading and working at other times

How are these aims achieved?

  • Experienced staff are available to answer enquiries and recommend appropriate books
  • Informative library displays featuring books, films, hobbies and current affairs
  • Inspiring book related activities, including author visits, quizzes, competitions and clubs
  • Coordinated stock selection ensuring student study needs are met
  • A taught programme of research and study skills         

Facilities and services:

  • Open 8.00am – 4.30pm
  • All students may use the library before school, during break and at lunchtime
  • 6th form students may also use the library for silent study during study periods
  • 3 books may be borrowed for up to 3 weeks
  • Desk space for 20, computers for 12, soft seating for 20+
  • Printing, photocopying, scanning, laminating
  • Plastic exercise book covers for sale
  • Homework Club 3.40-4.30pm


  • ​Fiction: colour coded to help students make appropriate choices
  • Non-fiction books: for homework and hobbies
  • Online Journals: for research
  • Local history and school archives: to help with local history research

We also offer:

  • Extended Project Qualification (EPQ): help with project planning, finding and evaluating sources, notemaking and writing skills, referencing and plagiarism, presentation techniques
  • Volunteering opportunities: available to all students including Duke of Edinburgh volunteers

Mrs J. Knott BA(Hons) MSc PGCert(History) MCLIP