Life In Our Sixth Form

From the outset of joining NKS 6th form I have felt at home. Academically, NKS will challenge you to ensure that you reach your full potential. Socially, NKS has a wonderful community spirit which ensures that, whatever your background, there is a place for you in the 6th form.​

The knowledge that every period on my timetable relates to a course that I chose means that coming into school every day feels like an opportunity to learn something I am truly interested in. However, that is not to say that 6th form is completely stress-free..​

The university application period is stressful. Yet, it truly highlights the impeccable quality of the staff at NKS which help to ensure successful applications. Additionally, the 6th form team are always available to discuss and support options post A-levels if the university route is not for you.​

Looking back at year 12, engaging completely with your chosen course from the outset is vital. Content you cover in your first lesson may come up in a final exam. Hitting the ground running is important and completing work related to your course over the summer transition period would allow you to advance rapidly in the first few months of 6th form.